logging: level: cz.mendelu.dnaAnalyser: INFO file: name: "./logs/app.log" max-size: "1MB" # Profiles config spring: profiles: active: pgsql, dev servlet: multipart: max-file-size: 2048MB max-request-size: 2048MB datasource: # Datasource are define separetly in profiles: # - h2: for embedded h2 database, for testing mainly # - pgsql: for postgres database, witch is default option # Spring actuator config management: endpoints: web: base-path: /api/management exposure: include: configprops, env, flyway, health, httptrace, info, mappings, scheduledtasks, logfile enabled-by-default: true # info data publish by spring boot actuator info: app: version: @gitVersion@ assemblyDate: @assemblyDate@ analysis: # List of implemented analysis and g4hunter: true p53predictor: true g4killer: true rloopr: true zdna: true cpg: true limits: multipart: maxFileSize: ${spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size} maxRequestSize: ${spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size} # This is module configuration. email: smtp: localhost port: 25 from: palindrome@ibp.cz disabled: false batch: asynchronous: true # threadPoolSize is positive number (1 - x) for exact number of working threads # or -1, then command: Executors.newWorkStealingPool(); is used for determinate optimal number of threads. threadPoolSize: -1 sequence: dir: ./db/sequence # This sequences are add to each new user defaults: > 24a8e29b-ec11-4116-8719-34c00c25a5d7, c0a8b159-2f02-4be9-8714-a27712c5cbb2, df7d3c96-bed4-4bb0-b758-ce04d77da676, 78a4e97d-8eb4-42cf-a5df-bacd5ca61646, eb50a995-a044-4f33-8ffa-5b184750b120, 50a722e2-7814-4e82-9621-f1f30cc985fe, 9a8e796b-1372-493d-8326-6769338d378b ncbi: ## Configuring access to the NCBI database # Do not change this configuration unless you know exactly what you are doing. # Access url, default: "ncbi.url = http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi" url: https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi # Database of nucleotide, default: "db = nuccore" db: nuccore # Return mode, default: "retmode = text" retmode: text # Return type, default: "rettype = fasta" rettypefasta: fasta # Return type for featue, default: "rettype = ft" rettypefeature: ft # Time-limited approach permits the download source of once every X milliseconds. NCBI recommends that users post # no more than three URL requests per second and limit large jobs to either weekends or between 9:00 PM and 5:00 AM # Eastern time during weekdays. # That value determines the minimum time (ms) between two accesses to the NCBI. default: "restriction_timing = 1000" restriction-timing: 1000 security: jwt: header: Authorization secret: secret expiration: 21600 importDefaultUsers: true management: swagger: enabled # This is analyse configuration. analyse: dir: ./db/analyse datasource: # String "analyse-id" will be replace by real analyse uuid. url: jdbc:h2:file:${analyse.dir}/analyse-id;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE username: password: driverClassName: org.h2.Driver # Swagger 2 generator configuration swagger2: info: title: Bioinformatics REST API description: API to access REST interfaces license: TODO licenseUrl: TODO termsOfServiceUrl: TODO version: 3.0.0 contact: name: Ing. Jan Kolomazník, Ph.D. url: email: xkoloma1@mendelu.cz javamelody: # JavaMelody autoconfiguration enabled: true spring-monitoring-enabled: true # Initialization parameters for JavaMelody (optional) # See: https://github.com/javamelody/javamelody/wiki/UserGuide#6-optional-parameters init-parameters: # log http requests: log: true