pridať nový model so špecifickým skóre
- GC, CG +1 (100% váha 0-100%
- GT, TG, AC, CA +0.5 (50% váha, volba 0-100% (?)
- AT, TA +0.25 (25% váha, volba 0-100% % (?)
- AA, AG, TT, TC, GA, GG, CT, CC should have score 0 (non Pu-Py reaeats, 0% váha, volba 0-100% % (?)
Then ideal GC-repeat will have Z2HS (Z2-hunter Score) - 100%
GTs 3 - 50%
ATs - 25%
mixed Pu-Py repeats - between 1-4 25-100
non PuPy sequences 0-2 / 0-25
Z2HF (rZ2HS] will be 0-100% - zero for nonPuPy-s, 100-for GC-repeats.