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  • 21-pripomienky08022024
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.08Feb20Nov25Oct23Aug25Mar131274122Feb2322208765122Dec30Nov24232231Oct30fix typomainmainfix urls in menucpg.vue: default parameterscpg-form.vue: increase step and default parametersUpdate docker-compose.yml to match BE versionUpdate copyrightUpdate help-cpg.vueUpdate file help-cpg.vueUpdate file help-cpg.vueUpdate help-cpg.vueMerge branch '31-renew-token-after-mainly-update' into 'main'renew token if not validchange url to download appwait about three hours before errorrename to CpXUpdate heatchart to match analysis second nucleotide in y-axisMerge branch '28-cpg-results-loads-automatically-whole-sequences' into 'main'fix lazy load and number formatingjust rename textsfix highlightMerge branch '26-fix-highlighting-for-cg-and-ta' into 'main'fix end tagfix highligtingadd info about scores to help pageMerge branch '25-new-zdna-model-based-on-new-algorithm' into 'main'update params and change scoreadd help pageMerge branch '24-gc-content-not-loaded-properly' into 'main'fix gc calculationfix gc countMerge branch '19-pridat-novy-model-so-specifickym-skore-todo' into 'main'fix CpX help pagerename cpg to cpxadd fotterrename zdna and cpxdouble default values for model 2add % instead of 10bpprint error if min seq size is smaller than sequenceadd black color for atfix original score values